Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ascendants and Mid-heavens

There are just two more things missing from the birth chart. The last thing I would like the explain about a birth chart are the two things that have a big impact on your personality, but aren't planets. An Ascendant and A Mid-heaven.

The Ascendant, also known as a "Rising Sign," is the outer personality. This is how we mask ourselves. Your Ascendant is how you act in public or around those who aren't close to you. This is how others see you. Your "first impression,' basically. This also determines how you act, overall. Both your Sun sign and your Rising have an impact on your main personality.

The Mid-heaven is pretty simple. It's an easy explanation, but it's also one of the most important roles in our birth chart. Your Mid-heaven traditionally indicates your career, status, aim in life, public reputation, and your life goal.

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